Midfield Institute of Cosmetology

Midfield, AL
26 B Phillips Drive, Midfield, AL 35228-2233

Midfield Institute of Cosmetology is a small, private cosmetology school located in Midfield, Alabama. The school offers a variety of cosmetology programs, including a full-time program, a part-time program, and an online program. The full-time program is a 12-month program that includes both classroom and practical instruction. The part-time program is a 9-month program that includes both classroom and practical instruction. The online program is a 6-month program that includes both classroom and practical instruction. The school also offers a variety of other programs, including a nail technician program, a makeup artist program, and a hair stylist program. The school is accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences.

Quick Facts

Enrollment: 17

Type: Private not-for-profit, less-than 2-year

Main Website: https://www.midfieldic.edu/

Financial Aid: https://www.midfieldic.edu/