Connecticut Trade Schools

See 14 Connecticut Community Colleges from our extensive database of 71 Connecticut Colleges, Community Colleges, and Trade Schools.

Attend college in Connecticut in order to receive one of the best educations your money can buy. The cities of Stamford, Hartford, Bridgeport, and New Haven are great inspirational places near to some of the greatest community colleges. Connecticut is surrounded by both New York and Massachusetts, which allows one to be nearby to some great internships and job opportunities in the great cities of Boston or New York City. There are many universities in Connecticut to choose from, with schools recognized all around the world to ensure that you will get an exceptional start to your career.

About Connecticut

The State of Connecticut, located in the northeastern United States, was one of the original thirteen colonies that formed the United States. It is bordered by Rhode Island to the east, Massachusetts to the north, and New York to the west. The state has a long history, dating back to early Native American settlements. European explorers first visited the area in the 16th century, and the first English colony was established in 1636. The colony was later absorbed into the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Connecticut became an independent colony in 1662, and was one of the original thirteen states that formed the United States. The state has a diverse economy, with industries ranging from agriculture to manufacturing to finance. Connecticut is also home to a number of prestigious universities, including Yale University, the University of Connecticut, and Wesleyan University.

Connecticut Trade Schools