Detroit Business Institute-Downriver

Riverview, MI
19100 Fort St, Riverview, MI 48193

The Detroit Business Institute-Downriver in Riverview, Michigan is a small, private, for-profit school that specializes in business and medical office administration. The school is accredited by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools. The school offers associate's degrees and diploma programs in business and medical office administration. The school has a small campus and a student population of less than 200 students. The school's faculty is made up of experienced business and medical professionals who are dedicated to providing a quality education to their students. The school's curriculum is designed to prepare students for careers in business and medical office administration. The school's graduates have gone on to successful careers in a variety of businesses and medical office settings.

Quick Facts

Enrollment: 76

Acceptance Rate: 18.18%

Type: Private for-profit, less-than 2-year

Main Website:

Financial Aid: