Whitworth University-Adult Degree Programs

Spokane, WA
300 W Hawthorne Rd, Spokane, WA 99251

Whitworth University-Adult Degree Programs is a college located in Spokane, Washington. The school offers many different types of programs for adults who want to earn a degree. The programs offered include business, education, nursing, and many more. The school is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. The school has a variety of resources available to students, including a library, computer labs, and a writing center. The school also offers a variety of services, such as career counseling, tutoring, and financial aid.

Quick Facts

Enrollment: 262

Acceptance Rate: 100.00%

Type: Private not-for-profit, 4-year or above

Main Website: https://www.whitworth.edu/cms/

Financial Aid: https://www.whitworth.edu/cms/academics/school-of-continuing-studies/tuition-and-financial-aid/