Southern University Law Center

Baton Rouge, LA
2 Roosevelt Steptoe Dr , Baton Rouge, LA 70813

Southern University Law Center is a public law school in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. It is part of the Southern University System. The school was founded in 1947 and is accredited by the American Bar Association. The school offers Juris Doctor and Master of Laws degrees. The school has a student-faculty ratio of 12:1 and an average class size of 60 students. The school's faculty includes 28 full-time and 40 part-time faculty members. The school has a library with a collection of over 200,000 volumes. The school's clinical programs include a civil clinic, a criminal clinic, and an externship program. The school's alumni include Louisiana Supreme Court Justice Bernette Johnson and U.S. Representative Cedric Richmond.

Quick Facts

Enrollment: 843

Type: Public, 4-year or above

Main Website:

Financial Aid: https://