The Santa Barbara and Ventura Colleges of Law at Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara, CA
20 E Victoria St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101

The Santa Barbara and Ventura Colleges of Law at Santa Barbara in Santa Barbara California is a two-year, full-time law school that was founded in 1971. The school is accredited by the State Bar of California and is a member of the Association of American Law Schools. The school offers a Juris Doctor (JD) degree as well as a Master of Laws (LLM) degree in environmental law. The school has a student-faculty ratio of 11:1 and an average class size of 50 students. The Santa Barbara and Ventura Colleges of Law at Santa Barbara is committed to providing a quality legal education to its students and preparing them for a successful career in the legal profession.

Quick Facts

Enrollment: 78

Type: Private not-for-profit, 4-year or above

Main Website:

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